Episode 81: What Now? Nao Yut. That’s What.
Given that the final episode of 2016 featured death so prominently (and let's face it, so did that year in general, I mean, really) it only seems natural to start off the new year in a similar morbid style! So sit back and enjoy this fun-filled adventure with a happy ending (WINK) as Mike and Paul launch YEAR THREE of WAITING FOR DOOOOOOOOOOM!
Down on Derington Way - 9:41
Doom Clock - 13:59
Doomsplaining - 17:01 - Our first episode of 2017 takes us back to volume 3 of Doom Patrol, specifically issues 5 and 6, from John Arcudi and Tan Eng Huat!
Mailbag O Doom - 53:10 - We read your responses to the question, "What was the best thing about 2016"
Original Broadcast Date: 12 Jan 2017