DCOCD 10 - Knightfall

The shadow of the pod falls on Knightfall (plus we chuck in Knightquest and Knightsearch, because we're thorough like that) as Paul and special guest Chris Franklin break the back of this 1992-starting event. Along with semi-ocd Andy Leyland, the lads give a definitive assessment of the art, writing, impact, legacy and 'Eventiness' of this epic Bat-family crossover from Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench, Denny O'Neil, Kelly Jones, Joe Quesada, Graham Nowlan, Jim Balent, Jim Aparo, Scott Hanna, Mike Manley, Rick Burchett, Norm Breyfogle, Adrienne Roy, Tom Mandrake. Bob Wiacek, Josef Rubinstein, Dick Giordano, Vince Giarrano, barry Kitson, Eduardo Barreto and many, many more!

Get in touch and tell us your thoughts on Knightsprawl and DC events in general at DCOCDCast@gmail.com , or on Twitter @DCOCDcast. Thanks for listening!

Original Broadcast Date: 25 May 2018